Thursday, December 02, 2004

Good afternoon everyone. It's a rare noon-post from JR. anyway, it has been a very fast 2004 for me. lots of things happened. u know, those unexpected shit & of course the expected shit. time really flies. its December now. the last month of 2004... i hope things will continue being smooth someway or another. looking forward to 2005. just wanna wonder wat will happen next year. most ppl i know, change like fuck. some don't really. well, i just have to say this.
YOU MAY KNOW A PERSON FOR A LONG TIME, BUT IT JUST TAKES A MOMENT FOR THEM TO BACKSTAB YOU & U MIGHT NOT REALISE IT AT ALL. understand this simple sentence? all it takes, is just 1 simple thing & your "friend" will disappear. funny why will i talk about such stuff in this post. honestly, it doesnt matter. all that matters is, "REN SHI HUI BIAN DE" roflmao =D time to wear my Oakley's as the sun is shining so brightly on my ass.