Sunday, October 31, 2004

supa lazy sunday afternoon. yes. just got back from grand's place. its been a long time since i've been there. still love the old black couch of mine. totally adjusted, customized to my body shape. haha. feeling damn full yet tired though. slept for pathetic 3 hours: 8.30am - 12.30pm. want to study now man. but where's GT? roflmao. if i can't contact him, i'm officially fucked for my IT1821 paper. i do mean FUCKED. jialat la... tonight must ton liao... sibei seh man. if i sleep now, i'll prolly wake up at 6-7 later in the evening? if i dun sleep now, i prolly fall asleep if i'm studying. haha. either way, i have to make a trip to dreamland i guess. tuesday last paper. after that, HO SEH LIAO. but my head cannot stop thinking can pass all 8CMs anot... dun think first, now is the sleeping issue. ok i know liao. i'll just nature takes its course... *nabei, i think the way is only koonz lor! hahaha* see u guys around.