Thursday, July 06, 2006

i've been a forum member at cars.sgforum for quite some time already. i joined that forum coz of my frds alex & ken. that was where i went for the meet ups & met some really funny ppl. but what goes on in the forum is just a bunch of lao cbs that flame new ppl thats in the scene. for example, i just read about a guy asking if can "diao" engine meaning change engine. yes of course its illegal. but with my experience, a old car like the suziki gti with a diao engine can win most of the new cars on the road. this guy was just asking around yet he got flamed chao tar almost immediately by the senior members of the forum. i was like, wtf? knn can't this ppl just explain to him nicely or tell him the pros & cons & not ti ti sut him in his face? knn a forum is where ppl get together of a common interest & talking about topics or issues that they need enlightenment. its not just about plain flaming. knn is there a need for them to kb each other? cb sibei ack leh. they might have some knowledge above those new birds that maybe is gonna get their class 3 or just gotten their cars to drive on the road. all this cb kias kb so much dunno for wat fuck. if u dun wanna share about knowledge, then suah la. no need di di kb mah. every other time, must kb just to gian song meh? so of course ppl like me, who bth either just read n suah or if its related to me, obviously in my right state of mind, knn i sure jio the person come out talk. knn wats the point in hiding behind your comp n using a keyboard to ti ti kb for fuck? bey ke yan come out settle lor. cb kb so much gum? ya u can say i'm a typical old sch ah beng. but thats the fact mah, cb who born come out know everything? superman ah? even superman have to return to his planet to learn somemore. to those fucking nerds n geeks behind your comp. either contribute or just stfu. U MOTHER FUCKERS OUTTA LEARN from those angmohs online. they either help to the max, or dun help. CB SIA SWAY BE A SINGAPOREAN! NBCB!