Monday, January 10, 2005

really. atmosphere plays a part. the surroundings... suddenly at the 4th week, i'm stressed up for reports, projects & other fuck. nbcb. y ah. whats with stressing myself out... i don't get it. usually i'll wait until the 16th week last 3 days & i'll start worrying, not NOW. hong kan la. mai chap siao yi... the temperature in my room is just fine man... 20deg. actually, got alot of things to say, but since the mood so slack jack with class 95 & alicia keys, time for me to lights out....

oh wait, this sentence is true : Better more friends than enemies. but what if, u have 100 friends & yet perhaps maybe 2 have your back. meaning, the really understand u as a friend & know how to take shit & enjoy with u. so what's the point of having so many friends who actually is just a fake... honestly, let me ask u ppl, scroll ur phonebook. ask urself, who can i go to when i'm in need of someone?

good night.